Comprehensive Skin Cancer practice
Whole total body screening using Dermoscopy to detect any pre cancerous or malignant skin lesions
Photography as required
Discuss management as needed
Advice about early detection, self skin checks
Education support with free printed material to take home
Melanoma detection / diagnosis
Initial management of melanoma including Initial excision with 2mm margins
Diagnosis and management of BCC, SCC and any other skin cancer types as per latest Guidelines
Surgical Management as indicated based on latest Guidelines
Referrals to Dermatologist or Plastic Surgeon for Specialist as needed
eg MOHS surgery, more advanced surgery on special areas like ears
Non Surgical therapeutic options as appropriate
Skin Cancer prevention advice as per Sun Smart Council
SCAN your skin (SCCA)
Discussion about use Skin Screen versus Sun Blocker lotions and creams
Discussion about UV exposure/Index and Vitamin D.